Do you REALLY need a mailing list?

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Free E-Book – Offered by Jennifer Maker

Hi! Are you interested in Blogging?

Well, behind every great blog is a great mailing list … or so they tell us. We all have SO much to do as bloggers.

Do we really need to add a mailing list to everything we do? You want to know what I think?

I AGREE wholeheartedly. You NEED a mailing list!

When you have a mailing list, its yours. You’re not longer at the mercy of social media algorithms or Google’s crazy search engine rules to connect with YOUR people. You can reach them anytime. AND, a great mailing list is one of the best ways to monetize your blog.

Take my friend Jennifer, for example. She started her little DIY & craft blog a little over a year ago. She got lucky and heard about how important it was to have a mailing list, and began building one as soon as she could. In fact, she made her mailing list her big focus in her first year, doing everything she could think of to build up her list. When her blog approached its first birthday, she launched her first course to her mailing list (and only her mailing list), earning over $12,000 in a few days.

Thanks to her mailing list of 13,000 readers (at the time), her blog was bringing in a full-time income before it’s first birthday!

That is unreal, people! But she’s the real deal, as authentic as they get. And four months later, she now has 24,000+ subscribers on her list. She used no Facebook ads, no sleazy tactics. Just homegrown ingenuity, much trial and error, and a lot of heart.

THAT is why I focus on building my mailing list.

And get this … my friend Jennifer just wrote an e-book called “LIST LOVE: Introduction to List Building” and she’s giving it away FOR FREE. (She loves to give away free things—it’s one of the secrets to her success!)

The LIST LOVE e-book is a gentle and fun introduction to list building. She answers a lot of questions and explains WHY you need a mailing list (she’s got a huge list of great reasons why it can be a HUGE help for your blog), recommendations for great email service providers (and the ones to avoid), five real-life examples of specific ways she’s built her list of over 24,000 subscribers (to save you some trial and error of your own), and an overview of her formula.

Jennifer’s included some information I can almost guarantee you’ve never thought of or heard of, so you don’t want to miss this!

So go grab this e-book now from Jennifer for absolutely free! (Affiliate Link)

You’re gonna love this. I did!

Happy Creating,


Already blogging and need a good ISP. Have you looked into using Converkit? This is who I use and I find them GREAT! Here is a link to their site if you are interested in investigating further. (affiliate link)

P.S. Have you checked out my posts and tutorials on crafting yet? Please do.

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